Thursday, October 24, 2024

Players 320-311

Number    Name                                   Seasons              Position                     PerfPts

320            Ivano Bordon                       1970-1986            Goalkeeper                 275.29

319            Pierre Littbarski                   1978-1993             Winger                       276.29

318            Luca Marchegiani                1988-2005            Goalkeeper                 276.35

317            José Luis Panizo                 1939-1955             Midfielder                   276.56

316            Léonard Specht                   1972-1989            Central Defender        276.75

315            Antonio Cabrini                    1976-1991            Full Back                     276.76

314            Epi Fernández                     1940-1955            Forward                      277.08

313            Wolfgang Overath                1963-1977            Midfielder                   277.26

312            Liam Brady                          1973-1989            Midfielder                    277.71

311            Tommy Smith                       1962-1978            Central Defender        277.74

Liam Brady won Serie A with Juventus in 1980-81 and 1981-82, becoming one of the few players from the British Isles to win a title in one of the main European top flights outside of England.

A list of all players from Britain and Ireland who have won a league title in one of the main European top flights outside of England are here

Epi Fernández played alongside Ignacio Eizaguirre for 9 seasons at Valencia and 5 seasons at Real Sociedad. It's rare for players to play alongside each other for so long at 2 different clubs.

Here is a list of players to have played alongside each other for at least 5 seasons at 2 different clubs in the European top flight

Monday, October 21, 2024

Players 330-321

Number    Name                                   Seasons              Position                     PerfPts

330            Arjen Robben                       2004-2019            Winger                        273.55

329            Hasan Salihamidžić             1995-2012            Midfielder                    273.73

328            Sylvain Armand                    2000-2017            Full Back                     273.93

327            Gonzalo Castro                    2004-2022            Midfielder                    273.97

326            Alberto Górriz                       1978-1993            Central Defender        274.36

325            Christian López                    1971-1985            Central Defender        274.38

324            Giuseppe Bruscolotti            1972-1988            Full Back                     275.18

323            Des Walker                           1983-2000            Central Defender        275.21

322            Heung Min Son                     2010-2024            Forward                      275.24

321            Billy Bremner                        1959-1977            Midfielder                    275.27

Heung Min Son has made more appearances in the European top flights than any other footballer born in Asia.

All Asian footballers with more than 200 appearances in the top 5 European leagues is shown here

Des Walker's longevity as a footballer has led him to hold 2 completely different records. Alongside Stanley Matthews, he is the only player to have made 250+ top flight appearances for 2 different clubs.

All players who have made at least 200 European top flight appearances for 2 separate clubs are shown here

Des Walker also managed to go the length of his top flight career whilst scoring only one goal

The players with most career appearances in the European top flights whilst only recording one league goal are here

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Players 340-331

Number    Name                                   Seasons              Position                     PerfPts

340            Jimmy Methven                   1891-1907             Full Back                    271.19

339            Johnny Giles                        1959-1977            Midfielder                    271.39

338            Fabien Barthez                    1991-2007            Goalkeeper                  271.74

337            Ernest Needham                  1893-1910            Midfielder                    271.74

336            Steed Malbranque               1997-2017             Winger                        271.78

335            Dejan Stankovic                   1998-2013            Midfielder                    272.31

334            Santi Cazorla                        2003-2020            Midfielder                    272.41

333            Lido Vieri                              1958-1976            Goalkeeper                 272.72

332            Bernd Dürnberger                1972-1985             Midfielder                   273.20

331            Hernan Crespo                     1996-2012            Forward                      273.47

Jimmy Methven played 458 league matches as an outfielder but never scored a goal

The list of outfielders who played the most league matches in the English top flight without scoring a goal are here

Ernest Needham played 186 first-class cricket matches in addition to the vast number of football league matches he played.

However, it's not enough to make the list of sportsmen who have played in at least 200 first class cricket matches and made at least 200 football league appearances.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Players 350-341

Number    Name                                   Seasons              Position                     PerfPts

350            Ivan Perišić                          2011-2024            Winger                        269.52

349            Massimo Ambrosini             1995-2014            Midfielder                    269.86

348            Zé Roberto                          1996-2011             Full Back                     270.08

347            Kevin Richardson                1981-1998            Midfielder                    270.27

346            Teddy Sheringham              1988-2007            Forward                       270.40

345            Pavel Nedved                      1996-2009            Winger                        270.40

344            Hervé Revelli                       1965-1978            Forward                      270.64

343            José Ramón Esnaola          1967-1985            Goalkeeper                 270.80

342            Jean Vincent                        1950-1964            Winger                        270.86

341            Luis Suárez                         2010-2022             Forward                      271.08

Luis Suarez was part of one of the most legendary goalscoring trios of all time alongside Lionel Messi and Neymar.

Are they the highest scoring trio in European top flight history. Find out here

Zé Roberto won both the Bundesliga and La Liga in his career. Find out which other players have achieved this feat here

Teddy Sheringham is one of the few players to have scored in the English top flight past his 40th birthday.

The list of oldest players to score in the English top flight are shown here

Monday, October 7, 2024

Players 360-351

Number    Name                                   Seasons              Position                     PerfPts

360            Bruno Martini                       1983-1999            Goalkeeper                 268.27

359            Dimitar Berbatov                  2000-2015           Forward                       268.37

358            Diego Fuser                         1986-2003            Winger                        268.45

357            Thomas Helmer                   1984-2000            Central Defender        268.62

356            Giuseppe Meazza                1929-1947           Forward                       268.77

355            Pierre Bernard                     1952-1969            Goalkeeper                 268.78

354            Migueli                                 1973-1988            Central Defender         268.84

353            Dani Parejo                          2008-2024            Midfielder                    269.05

352            Lorenzo Buffon                    1949-1964            Goalkeeper                  269.09

351            Stefano Tacconi                   1980-1995            Goalkeeper                 269.37

Giuseppe Meazza scored 31 goals in his debut season in Serie A

The list of players with most goals in their debut European top flight season is here

Diego Fuser is one of the few players to have starred for both Lazio and Roma

All players who have made a top flight appearance for both clubs can be found here

Stefano Tacconi won the European Cup, Cup Winners Cup and UEFA Cup in his career

All players to have won each of the 3 available European trophies are shown here

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Players 361-370

Number    Name                                   Seasons             Position                     PerfPts

370            Quini                                    1970-1987           Forward                      267.11

369            Jürgen Grabowski                1965-1980           Forward                     267.17

368            Cristóbal                               1987-2003           Full Back                    267.31

367            Marek Hamsik                      2004-2019           Winger                       267.32

366            Filippo Inzaghi                      1995-2012           Forward                     267.50

365            Miguel Àngel Nadal              1986-2005           Midfielder                   267.57

364            Gianluca Vialli                      1984-1999           Forward                     267.70

363            Marcial Pina                         1964-1980           Midfielder                   267.71

362            Olaf Thon                             1984-2002           Midfielder                   267.74

361            Didier Sénac                        1977-1995           Central Defender        267.87

Marek Hamsik made 409 Serie A appearances though he was born outside Italy. Is this the most Serie A appearances made by a player born outside Italy? Find out here

Quini was the Pichichi (La Liga top scorer) on 5 occasions in his career. This included one season where he got relegated.

The list of players to be a top scorer in the European top leagues in the same season they were relegated are here

Though, Quini, by no means scored the most goals in a relegated season. The list of the highest goalscorers in a season where they were relegated from the European top flight is here

Both Filippo Inzaghi and Marcial Pina have scored a hat trick to clinch a top flight league title for their side.

A list of all players who've achieved these in the main European leagues can be found here and it's many more than you would possibly expect. Also, please enjoy this stat as it was  one of the more tricky ones to compute!!

Players 320-311

Number      Name                                         S easons                  Position                         PerfPts 320             ...